smartAR Online payment Pages integrate with MYOB invoice and statements templates, to link your online payment page to your statements and invoices. This functionality allows you to place hyperlinked images (buttons) on statements and invoices as shown below.
MYOB and smartAR online Payment Page Integration
How to integrate payment pages using Microsoft Word
Editing invoices and statements can be done via the templates you have in Document Manager.
In MYOB AE, go to Document Manager and attach a bill to change the billing template. Once you have done this go to maintenance/documents/document styles. Retrieve invoice templates, followed by server, (right click) locate billing templates, edit and save.
You can change any of the document templates to suit your needs if it is in a Microsoft Word format.
The Template Editor generally follows Microsoft Word conventions for formatting options (e.g font families, styles and sizes, paragraph alignment and margins). Any customised templates in RPT format need to be edited with Notepad. It is a text file full of XML code. Alternatively, you will need a third party program called Active Reports that created the RPT file. Otherwise, contact your MYOB representative to orginise this for you.
For additional documentation and processes, refer to the information below or contact your MYOB representative.
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